
Last dream - A family

 ...all though my chronic diagnosis and personal hell,
on top of deteriorating health and try restarting my life, 
seemingly no way out, living only of sick pension,
my bucket list narrows down to a single dream.

Own or lease my own land by the lake,
design and build my own mini modern house.
Retire there and start to heal for once in peace,
away from city life, back to basics & nature.

Started to design a bit,
as Im not an architect, measurements is way off. 
Its a minimalistic living besides a wish to have
 2x2x1.5m pool (more a little float tank)
accompanied with a small 2 people sauna.
Rest of house is very compact,
with a wide raised summer deck reaching out over the water.

All comes down to, when was I the most happy?
Besides each birth of my 3 kids and time with them.
One other thing stands out, 
living with my grandparents as a kid on my summer vacations.
they lived out on an island surrounded of the most luciousius archipelago,
every moment was an adventure in my own created worlds.
Only time I felt free, at peace and at home growing up.
Could even just be a classic swedish red falu house by the sea,
here is a random picture to get a general idea.

The bigger dream and prefibel of this is to own it with my kids,
we come together, plant our flag, build a living for all of us,
even if so in separate houses, be a family again, secured for generations to come..